feeling a little lost? struggling to remember who you were once upon a time? this workbook is the first step in your well being journey. break up with your limiting beliefs, reconnect with your passions and embrace a life filled with joy and purpose. 

We're ditching the self-help snoozefest and diving headfirst into uncovering your passions, talents, and the person you were always meant to be! 

truth bomb incoming

You can’t expect to live a life filled with joy and purpose

if you don't even recognize that girl in the mirror.

Life's too short to be beige, babe! This interactive workbook is your path to unearthing and rediscovering the total gem that you are, helping you become your own personal hype girl!

what's inside your free self discovery workbook?

You can stay on auto pilot, or you can finally take control and start charting your path to a life that is absolutely,  unapologetically, YOU!


Identify your values with a dedicated worksheet complete with examples and ideas to get you moving in the right direction.


Examine your beliefs. These can be beliefs related to your abilities, your worth and your potential. Complete worksheet with examples to guide you.


Explore your passions. You'll create a list of activities and interests that bring you joy and fulfillment using a dedicated worksheet. 


Reflect on your experiences. Use this worksheet to write down a list of experiences that have shaped who you are today. 


Work through your strengths and weaknesses with this interactive worksheet complete with examples to guide you. 


Set goals. Write down a list of goals that you would like to accomplish in the near future. These can be goals related to your career, relationships, health, or other areas of your life.

it's me. i'm your hype girl

I'm here, in your corner, shouting from the rooftops, that you are MORE than a mom, MORE than a wife or partner, and a MORE than your badass career! I'm going to help you ignite the spark of self discovery and guide you on a journey of transformation. You'll unlock the tools and resources to to reconnect with your passions, break free from limitations, and prioritize holistic well being. Let's go on a lil' adventure where you conquer your fears, prioritize your self care and and rewrite your story for a life that's full of joy, purpose and unbelievable experiences! Are you ready for it?

Life can be pretty freakin' fabulous. 

Sometimes you just need someone in your corner cheering you on!